Amirali is an expert in:
Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Computational Decision Making, Recommender Systems, Network Science, Computer Security

Rajen is an expert in:
Business Law, Privacy Implication of Vehicular Infotainment Systems

Sanaa is an expert in:
Software Engineering, Goal-oriented Requirements Engineering, Model-based System Engineering, Software Evolution and Analysis, AI and its application in Software Engineering, Mobile Ad Hoc Networks, Natural Language Processing

Akramul is an expert in:
Computer Security, Computer Software, Electrical Engineering, IT Services and Consulting, Software Engineering

Steven is an expert in:
Criminology, Cyberbullying, Cybercrime, Deviant subcultures, game studies, Informal social control, Law and Society, Law enforcement, Property crime

Khalil is an expert in:
Intrusion detection systems for connected and autonomous vehicles and for unmanned autonomous vehicles, IT forensic analysis, bioemtrics, smart grid security, evaluating the robustness of Natural Language Processing classifiers, and visualization of AI algorithms in security, explainable AI, data labelling and data curation using Artificial Intelligence, smart cities.

Shahram is an expert in:
Critical Infrastructure Protection, Software-Defined Networking, Applications of AI in networking and security, and Quality of Experience.

Patrick is an expert in:
smart toys, robotic computing, services computing, workflow, security and privacy.

Les is an expert in:
Policing and Race, Data collection, Global health and equity, privacy rights, trade and international economic law

Stephen is an expert in:
Behavioral information security, Digital transformation, Electronic business, Electronic government, Enterprise systems implementation, Human behavior and information systems, Management information systems, Organizational culture.

Peter is an expert in:
Artificial Intelligence, Socio-Technical Systems, Self-Awareness, Self-Organization, Artificial Life, Trust, Collection Action, Evolution, Neural Networks, Multi-Agent Systems, Market-Based Control

Fletcher is an expert in:
Cybercrime, insurance fraud, reinforcement learning, data analytics, mobile fitness,

Pooria is an expert in:
Cybersecurity, Intrusion Detection Systems, Anomaly Detection, and Adversarial Machine Learning.

Qusay is an expert in:
Software engineering and security for Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS)

Stephen is an expert in:
Privacy, including Public Privacy, Computational Trust, Forgiveness and Regret, Computational wisdom, Slow Computing, Democracy, Security, Small Data

Carolyn is an expert in:
Cybersecurity of IoT big data pipelines on Earth and in Space

Christopher is an expert in:
Boomtowns, Citizen attitudes towards police, Justice, Youth, Youth Crime, Youth transitions from school to work

Richard is an expert in:
Vehicular ad hocs networks, Wireless sensor networks, multimedia streaming, performance evaluation, algorithm design

Langis is an expert in:
Biotechnology, Electrical Engineering, Semiconductors, Wireless Technology

Andrea is an expert in:
Information Law, Intellectual property, Law and Technology, Privacy

Julie is an expert in:
Authentication/passwords, Biometrics, Computer Security, Operating system security, Security policy, Software security, Human factors in computer security.

Miguel is an expert in:
Authentication, applications of machine/deep learning, brain-computer interfaces, companion robots

Ed is an expert in:
CBRN counterterrorism, Emergency and first response to radiological incidents, Health physics, Nuclear safety, Nuclear security

Li is an expert in:
Information Technology, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data

Ying is an expert in:
Distributed systems, Peer-to-peer networks, User experience
Adjunct Researchers

Emil is an expert in:
Industrial control systems (cyber)security, cyber and physical security of critical infrastructures, IoT/IIoT solutions for process control systems, methods for persons and objects identification (biometrics, RFID, etc...)

Abdulaziz is an expert in:
Human factors in Information Security, Biometrics, Access Control, Authentication, Brain-Computer Interfaces, Intrusion Detection and Prevention, Behavioral Modeling for Information Security, Smart Cities, Artificial Intelligence, Information Security